The purpose of the BRIDGE foundation® is to build community, where people can identify people needs and can help them using our platform. Those who want to help poor or needy people, can easily find them through us.
The overall goal of our projects are to develop the capacities of the communities to change their own environments, starting among the children and women, through programs of education, nutrition and health.
We have directly benefiting over 50,000 people and their families so far, through more than 50 live welfare projects on education, healthcare, livelihood and women empowerment, in India.
We strongly being that the 8 Avenue of Services are vital in this universe. Our projects are largely classified into these below avenues.
The purpose of the BRIDGE foundation® is to build community, where people can identify people needs and can help them using our platform. Those who want to help poor or needy people, can easily find them through us.
The overall goal of our projects are to develop the capacities of the communities to change their own environments, starting among the children and women, through programs of education, nutrition and health.
The purpose of the BRIDGE foundation® is to build community, where people can identify people needs and can help them using our platform. Those who want to help poor or needy people, can easily find them through us.
The overall goal of our projects are to develop the capacities of the communities to change their own environments, starting among the children and women, through programs of education, nutrition and health.